Open: Mon – Sat 10am – 3pm

Closed Sundays and public holidays

123 Rora St, Te Kuiti


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White Enamel Pot with Handle; 2025.2103
Red Cross Invalid Feeding Cup; 1901-1940; 2025.2102
White Enamel Bed Pan with Handle; Kockums; 1910-1940; 2025.2101
Glass & Mercury Thermometer in Metal Case; G. H. Zeal; 2025.2100
Flags/Banners from the NZ Treaty of Waitangi 150th Anniversary;  1990; 2025.2099
Speedometer from 1939 Ford WWII Ammo Carrier Truck; Delco Appliance Corp; c1940; 2025.2097
Philco Transitone Radio, Georgia model; Dominion Radio and Electrical Corp. Ltd.; 1958; 2025.2096
Optimus Oil Can, No. 30; Aktiebolaget Optimus; c1950; 2025.2095
POSB Date Stamps x 6 and box sets of Rubber Dates x 4; 2025.2094
Highland Dancing Uniform worn at 1948 Cowal World Championship by Nancy Waite (nee Howell) ; 2025.2092
Stewart Chicago Ball Bearing No 1 Clipper Hand Shearing Plants x 2; Chicago Flexible Shaft Co; 1900 - 1910; 2025.2089
Various NZ Badges; 2025.2091
Silver War Badge from WWI; War Office; c1916; 2025.2090
12 Records of All Black Games. 33 1/3 RPM.; His Master's Voice (N.Z) Ltd; 2024.2083
Framed Oil Painting of Mangapohue Natural Bridge by Edna A. Goldsbury; 1993; 2024.2084
Photos x2, Painting, Minutes of Meeting, Booklet and Bookmark from St Andrews Presbyterian Church, 1913 - 2011; 2024.2085
MBE Medal awarded to Mrs. E. M. de Castro in presentation box.; Royal Mint; 1946; 2024.2079
High Water - Floods in New Zealand by Graham Hutchins; Grantham House Publishing; 2006; 2024.2078
Pale Aqua Glass "Ostrich Brand" Pickles Jar; L.D. Nathan & Co. Ltd; 2024.2075
Small Pale Green Glass Bottle/Jar; 2024.2076
Dark Green Glass Wine Bottle; 2024.2077
Dominion Gem Screw Lid Jar; Dominion Glass Co.; pre 1976; 2024.2074
Burma-Shave Used Blade Jar; Burma-Vita Co.; c1930; 2024.2073
Dinneford's Magnesia Bottle; c1900; 2024.2072
Stephens Glass Ink Bottle with Pouring Spout; Stephen's; 2024.2071
Imperial Quart, Pint and Half Pint  Wide Mouth Milk Bottles with original cardboard caps; c1920; 2024.2070
John De Kuyper Gin Bottle; John De Kuyper & Son Ltd; c1890; 2024.2069
Peck's Anchovette Fish Paste Clear Glass Jar; 1930-1950; 2024.2068
Lane's Emulsion Clear Glass Bottle; pre 1984; 2024.2067
Small Clear Glass Bottle; 2024.2066
Te Kuiti Club Memorial Bell and Bracket; 2024.2065
Commemorative Wall Plaques from Te Kuiti Club x 3; 2024.2064
Framed Photos from Te Kuiti Club x 3; 2024.2063
Brown Glass Jar; 2024.2061
W Gregg Co Ltd Clear Glass Bottle; 2024.2060
Green  Glass Bottles x 4; 2024.2059